
Monday, May 23, 2011

Newspaper collection by Karel

This is a simple story-problem in Karel’s world. Suppose that Karel has
settled into its house.

Karel starts off in the northwest corner of its house as shown. The problem you need to get Karel to solve is to collect the newspaper—represented (as all objects in Karel’s world are) by a Beeper—from outside the doorway and then to return to its initial position.

This exercise is extremely simple and exists just to get you started. You can assume that every part of the world looks just as it does in the diagram. The house is exactly this size, the door is always in the position shown, and the beeper is just outside the door. Thus, all you have to do is write the sequence of commands necessary to have Karel

1. Move to the newspaper,
2. Pick it up, and
3. Return to its starting point.

In your solution, include a private method for each of the steps shown in the outline.

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